Saturday, January 26, 2013

ARC...Artful Reader's Club January Selection

Aloha and Mahalo (many thanks) to Darcy for creating the ARC that combines our love of art + books...please surf on over to her site and enjoy all the FABulous book reviews and creative art reflections.  

The book I selected this month is 
Bring Up The Bodies by Hilary Mantel...
432 pages published in May 2012 and is the second in Mantel's remarkable trilogy. Her first book Wolf Hall was published in 2009...with the third installment 
The Mirror & The Light currently being written.  Mantel is the first British woman to receive the Man Booker Prize for both Historical Fiction Novels.   

There have been many stories written and interpretations debated regarding King Henry VIII"s reign...especially in the recently produced DVD series "The Tudors" fascination for historical events led me to Mantel's extraordinary novels. Bring Up The Bodies is written through the eyes of Mr Secretary Thomas Cromwell from September 1535 during the year prior to the execution of Anne Boleyn & "the men she collects about her." 

Mantel takes artistic license with the historical accuracy of events and court life as perceived through Cromwell. However, I found her writing style...including her detailed descriptions of this tumultuous time, place, and characters intriguing.  She used the pronoun 'he' for Cromwell in order, I believe, to keep the reader focused on his particular point of view.  In this passage Mantel describes Cromwell's character..."he has a way of getting his way, he has a method; he will charm a man or bribe him, coax him or threaten him, he will explain to a man where his true interests lie, and he will introduce that same man to aspects of himself he didn't know existed."
And so it is...[a captivating 5-Star read]

I decided to create a Bring Up The Bodies two-page visual journal spread in a 1960's altered book that I will be using for this year's ARC entries.  In many layers of gesso, torn bits of printed tissue & map paper, paint, gelatos, stamps, ink & pumice medium (representing The Tower stones) are images of Cromwell and my interpretation of his tragic Game of Chess...the layers represent all Mantel's rich textures woven throughout the book.

My February book selection is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (2012)...
and I will be finishing Mantel's Wolf Hall (2009) just because!

Sunset on the North Shore, O'ahu
Hawaiian word of the day...

Monarch, noble, aristocrat, king, queen, commander; royal, regal, aristocratic, kingly; 

to rule or act as a chief, govern, reign



  1. I'm not familiar with the Tudors and that era of time but it seems quite bloody and not the most easy time in history to have been living! Love your page! ♥ If it depicts the feeling you're left when finishing the book I don't think I want to read it... :)

  2. Tudor period is one of my favourite periods, after the Plantaganets. Sounds an interesting book, and your artwork is fabulous, particularly the right hand side.

  3. Gorgeous artwork, love the deep rich colours and layers, you merged all the images brilliantly with the background. I am not a fan of books based so far back in history, but you do make it sound appealing.

  4. I'm not sure the topic of this book would keep my attention, but I have to say your artwork is so nice! Really well done!

  5. I have not heard of these books but after reading your review, I'm quite tempted to give them a go. Your artwork is really lovely, great colours and layers.

  6. I've not heard of this book before but will be adding to the list of books to read me thinks, loving the artwork all those layers, simply beautiful!

  7. It sounds very interesting and I can see how inspired you were when you created your art! Lovely.

  8. LOVE LOVE your artwork... your journal spread is beautiful... and great review... sounds like a book with lots of interesting detail...

    Jenny ♥

  9. I have to admit it's not a book that calls to me but your art work, wow. So rich and detailed. Love the colours, I have scrolled back up a couple of times for another look.

  10. Ah now this book sounds right up my street - I will have to check it out - and your artwork is GORGEOUS!

  11. That book sounds does the first in the trilogy...yet more books to add to my TBR pile!
    And as for your! Totally representative of the period.
    Hugs xx

  12. Stunning artwork. Will need to add the author to my ever-growing list. Thanks for the informative review and the detailed description of your journal pages. Michelle Vanstrom

  13. I am going to pass on your recommendation to my partner as I think this would be right up his street. Great resulting art too. Your photos are fabulous - I have a friend over in Hawaii, she comes home to England every year to see her mum but she's always glad to get home to her warmer island :)

  14. Your artwork is a delight to the eyes! This book is definately one for me!

    Janet xx

  15. Stone walls dripping with blood...what an amazing page! I am currently watching the Tudors tv series, and Cromwell is my least favourite character so far. Would be interesting to read another inertpretation :D XXX

  16. Your artwork certainly captivates a tumultuous time in history, lots of blood and emotion of the time. Love the way you have hi lighted 'bring up the bodies,' a fabulous page. Not to sure if I would be focused enough to read the book but good to read your review.

  17. Glad you enjoyed the book as it's also on my list (though I haven't read Wolf Hall...). Love your artwork, it has a definite feel of the period to it.

  18. Fabulous art work. I like historical fiction so will add this to my wish list.
    Jen x

  19. What a fantastic mixed media piece! So much to look at... one's eye just keeps traveling about the pages.

  20. Absolutely fantastic pages ... So detailed. Not sure whether I fancy the book but surprised by how many historical fiction books have been on the blogs so far ... Maybe I am missing out in them!

  21. The book sounds really intriguing. I am always fascinated by how the author has us interpret the story based on the storyteller. Your artwork is gorgeous. I love the colors, textures and how all the elements flow through the pages.

  22. I stopped by because you left me a comment on my Feb. ARC. I see I'm a bit late seeing this ARC, but it is an impressive piece of artwork that appears to be very close to the book. I adore the colors you chose, and you have extremely good composition. So, I'm now going to look for this book in my library.
