Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Aloha e komo mai

Mahalo...Thank you and Welcome to my Premiere blog post...I am inspired by Art Journaling and Mixed Media Artists who express their creativity so freely ...It is my intention to share creative art journals and photo images from my Island home in Hawai'i.  

My Word for 2012 is EXPLORE.  This 'blogland' is new territory for me and I am so grateful  to explore & discover in this new land. Who knows what we'll find! Many will not know me because I have kept a 'low profile'...however...I have participated in a few FABulous Live UStream chats, watched your recorded streams, & YouTube sensations! throughout the years. The 'Creative Ones' have been quite gracious with their time, talent, and energy.  Mahalo!

So...I'm jumping in...flying out...getting off the island...and hopefully with your encouragement, kind advice, and generous tips & tricks, I can make this another exciting place to visit.  

Every Post will end with a Hawaiian Word of The Day...Enjoy!

ʻimi loa
vi. To seek far, explore; distant traveler, explorer. Fig., one with great knowledge or avaricious for knowledge. Ahu kupanaha iā Hawaiʻi ʻimi loa (Kep. 143), a heap of marvellous things in Hawaiʻi [and its] profound knowledge.

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